
House of Long Shadows Pt. 4

*The writing on this page, besides still looking to have been drained of any sort of colour, seems to be written with a bit more vigor and enthusiasm than the past few entries*

Aiko is currently busy interrogating our new...'friend'. I'm using that term incredibly loosely and I'm a bit disappointed how hard it is to convey sufficient sarcasm in the written word to cover my feelings at the moment.
Let's just say we've been busy in any case.

The double set of doors were not trapped (thank Shizuru!) and ended up leading us into a huge, open courtyard with our first view of the sky in what felt like ages. That said, it was cloaked in pitch black night and twisting shadow. Not to mention the stars above were not familiar to me in the slightest. This was not the Terra we all knew...
Amongst the reaching, claw-like brambles down the path at the center of the courtyard was a massive fountain decorated with several gargoyle statues. We were only a half dozen paces into the courtyard when we heard a mournful scream and we saw the creature that looked like the Prince Bogden begin to pull itself out of the fountain. It was still composed of thick, tar-like sludge that made wet, sticking sounds as he dropped to the stone pavement below the fountain.
Once again Ushi-Oni spoke through the form of the captured Prince to taunt the Princess and torture her by having Bogden's voice calling out in pain. Horrific. It is no wonder the Empress Pandora locked such a monster away here. My blood felt like it was boiling in my veins as it continued. As the Princess tried to stumble forward to grasp the 'image' of the Prince, it laughed a truly awful laugh and said it would make us face all our sorrow and regrets and that we would be consumed by them.

As the inky-black tendrils of his hands shot out, this time the foes that rose against us were not simply animate shades...but reflections of ourselves and long lost regrets. Only the Princess did not have a doppelganger. Why that is I am uncertain but perhaps her mind is unclouded and unburdened by regret. As they arrayed themselves (ourselves?) before us I think it became quickly obvious we all saw things in them that we did not want to and that moment of hesitation is all they needed to attack first.

While each of us faced off against our shadowy phantasm the Princess darted around to try grab the sludge-like form of her son only to find he had slipped back into the fountain and escaped during the initial surprise of the battle. Keisuke was the first to land a decisive blow, though he was also thinking tactically and turned his massive hammer on 'shadow' Aiko, destroying her doppelganger in a single blow. While tactically smart due to Aiko's debilitating spells she could have turned on us, the phantasm exploded and the sight of herself dying seemed to shake our Aiko right to the core. 

Baoji and Keisuke managed to defeat their own copies, leaving mine last. I admit, this battle perhaps troubled me more than many to date. It is unnerving to face yourself. They know all your best tricks, you strongest techniques, and most importantly...your most hidden weaknesses and doubts. In that creature...this perversion of myself's eyes I saw rage, fury, and primal power that I had hoped beyond hope had been destroyed for good after our encounter with Renshu Kogath in Jin Hai. Beyond that even, the copy began to speak in a cold, empty voice corrupting and perverting the lessons Grandfather had shown me so many years ago. That power is everything, compassion is for the weak, and on...and on.

It wasn't until I felt Aiko's hand on my back, mending some of the wounds, that I was finally able to remember myself and steel my resolve. All at once there seemed to be an opening and I plunged Grandfather's blade through the copy's chest, causing it to pop like a bubble before dissolving away. I shudder even now remembering the look on its...well, my face as it faced imminent death. Haunting to say the least.

As we made our way to the Princess's side, she was staring down into the fountain. We cheered her up best as we were able, though I fear this place is taking a toll on her. Well...heavier than the rest of us at least and I cannot blame her for that.

The flagstone path brought us to another set of double doors, which after some careful examination revealed no traps upon it. The stretching hallways beyond it was in ruin with the walls scorched black, statues reduces to rubble, and the floor covered in debris. Parts of the wall were still white, perfect squares where we quickly deduced paintings had once hung and only managed to scarcely shield the walls behind them.

This is where the Empress Pandora had entered Ushi-Oni's palace so many years ago we realized. As we picked our way through the destruction, it was easy to see that everyone's thoughts were riveted on what our Goddess was capable of. Even the Princess remarked she had never seen her mother unleash fury such as what occurred here.

As we neared the end of the hall, sounds of combat ringing ahead reached our ears. With but a single glance to one another we surged forward together, Keisuke and Baoji bashing the door open in a mighty shove we stumbled into a round, two story chamber with an elaborate staircase circling the room on both sides...and up on top of that balcony was a familiar figure currently in combat against five spirit oni and a single monstrous kuwa oni with a large, studded club.

It was Kiyoko, the Princess's drow hand maiden! Her wakizashi parried and struck with deft assurance, though as the Kuwa charged, she simply stepped back off the balcony and started to float. The Kuwa stupidly barreled out past her and fell the distance to the floor far below with a loud thud. Even so she was being pressed badly as the numerous floating Oni heads snapped and bit, some making it through her defenses.
Kiyoko, Royal Handmaiden

Before we could close distance to aid her the Kuwa Oni noticed  us as it pulled itself off the floor and started to charge toward us. Aiko reacted equally quick, chanting a quick spell I didn't recognize (as usual) with a rather mischievous look on her face. I think everyone in the room was surprised as the Kuwa suddenly took to the air with a grin and used it's huge club to smash one of the spirit oni into the wall with a sickening splat. Not one to argue against the odds suddenly shifting, myself and the others sprinted up the stairs to join Kiyoko and between everyone's effort we put down the remaining spirit oni quickly enough.

...Though it was not such a clear victory. The wounds Kiyoko had taken were badly inflamed and it was obvious to all she was having some issues fighting off potent poison that had been delivered through the bites she had suffered. Between some spells (and perhaps a few prayers that its debatable whether they helped or not), we managed to get her feeling better once again. The Princess and her shared a touching reunion and I think we were all glad to see the first friendly face we'd seen since we entered this shadowy prison.

The thing that felt off (and rather disturbing) was the fact that the Kuwa Oni was standing by Aiko and evidently treating her like its best friend. She seemed utterly thrilled by this little turn of events and she told me quietly after it was due to her spell. Far be it from me to judge, we can use every bit of help we can get to survive this...but even still I'm feeling a bit iffy about this.  He did introduce himself as Fengie-Haruo...pardon me if I don't act chummy with the evil incarnate fiend, though.

As mentioned above, Aiko is currently gathering information from him while the rest of us catch a breather. The Princess and Kiyoko are getting a bit caught up as well while she finishes recovering. Seems like we'll be moving on soon enough. With the extra help, things are looking up somewhat!

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