
Pharast 30th, 656 AR

*This entry is written gracefully, the script curling elegantly with great exuberance and a sense of joy contained within each word*
Kiyoko showed up while I was writing last night. I could scarcely believe it! There was a soft tapping at the window and when I threw it open there she was, hovering in the air with a bemused smile on her face.

We spent the remainder of the night together out in the town, sharing our wishes and dreams and desires. Her laughter was musical and sent my heart racing. Her smile stole the very breath from my lungs. We ran, we danced, and even walked along the beach with the moon reflecting off the water and waves gently lapping at the shore. It was a magical time, though the dawn came all too soon and with it we both knew our inevitable parting was at hand. The princess and royal family would be leaving that day and shortly after we would have to be on our way as well. Even so, that one night is one of my fondest memories and one I will cherish for all time. With luck, perhaps fate will bring us together again. Even so I already feel like I'm starting to miss her dearly.

When I finally got back to the Inn the others were waiting for me. Aiko had a look like the cat that caught the canary. She already had guessed...or heard me when I was leaving. Either way the result was the same. Even then, I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face all day since. My heart feels lighter, like no matter the odds we have a chance of making it through all this hardship and that it will be worth it in the end.

...well, we have to get going, there is a lot to do before the ship leaves for Wukei, the capital of the Lion clan. Aiko said they'll be ready for us to leave whenever, we just need to head to the docks. For now though, we're going to do a little more sightseeing and try figure out what happened to Sho and perhaps recover Baoji's shield.

*There is a space before another entry begins evidently on the same day, the writing a bit more sluggish and showing obvious fatigue*

We had some luck shortly after leaving, Aiko asked around and heard that evidently Sho had not got Baoji's shield, but a relatively minor thief named Nergui. Evidently he slipped it from his back while he was chasing Sho and he was too distracted at that time.

Long story short we tracked Nergui down. Keisuke showed a surprising aptitude for carpentry and got on his good side by repairing his 'shop' (of mostly stolen things of little value). Sadly there was no sign of the shield there, but Nergui warmed up to both Keisuke and Aiko and told them the shield had been very nice so he pawned it off to a...well...streetwalker named Deshie. He happily told us that she was usually down by the docks and was one of "Cho's" girls. Cho apparently being a small time crime lord here in Haytoma. Honestly Nergui seemed a bit...dense, I'm honestly amazed he got away with the shield. Might have been the guy's luckiest break. He traded that magical shield to a streetwalker for a few night's worth of...fun. I'm shaking my head even as I write this.

So the next obvious step was heading to the docks and finding Deshie. She was rather obvious by the bright orange hair that Nergui described. I...admit I may have had a little too much fun with this, trying to set up Baoji with her in the process which he adamantly refused and reacted in such a way to give me a great deal of amusement. Aiko took part too and we both got a great laugh out of it. Even so, we managed to get her somewhere more private and get some information eventually. She had evidently passed the shield off to Cho who would likely be offering it up to his boss who is named Ba-Tu, a crime lord in the Lion clan (convenient for us) who is going to be hosting a gambling tournament. Deshie also confided there are rumors Ba-Tu is some sort of monster and magic user, possibly a vampire. Troubling for us suffice to say.

To even get close to him we're going to need some sort of token from Cho to get into the tournament. Deshie shared where we could find Cho with a little help from Aiko's magic. Supposedly his establishment is down by the docks and the password is "Hey Sailor" while giving some sort of left handed salute thing. She ended up being extremely helpful, even though Baoji turned down his chance with her. I'll be teasing him about that later.

Shortly after we left Deshie to her business and while discussing our options we heard a bit of a commotion going on and tracked it down to the Pharasma Church. It appeared to have been attacked last evening, perhaps in a similar manner to the Irori temple...It was hard to tell as the guards wouldn't let people get close in the slightest. We did manage to see a rather familiar figure get carried off, though. Koba if you can believe it! I thought we left him for dead back at Haytoma! Evidently the sinspawn taint within him that kept Chiyo and myself alive did the same for him. Or so we theorize at least. Baoji also noted something troubling with his blessed sight, the guards and clergy around the temple all were corrupted by evil. Even more troubling.

So here we are outside the Daikitsu temple, the only other temple in the city. We briefly tried to warn the head priest of all the attacks on the temples, but he lay ill and in isolation. We weren't able to get a message to him. Trying to reach him only provoked the temple guard's ire and suspicion. They had already heard of the attacks and were on high alert as it was. Which is good, though as we were leaving we spied Koba entering the temple. He at least was a priest of Daikitsu before he turned so starting something at this point would have gone extremely badly for us. We'll need to be extremely cautious.

For that reason we decided to spend the night here watching to make sure no attack befalls the Daikitsu temple tonight. There doesn't seem to be any entrances outside the front door he entered through, so if Koba leaves we'll know and can follow and confront him somewhere secluded. Hopefully we'll be able to get some answers. It does seem to be the next mostly likely target if the other two temples have already been attacked, especially so recently. I do fear this place might be in the early stages to turn into another Jin Hai...a terrifying thought.

It's going to be a long night, especially after I didn't sleep much the previous evening (definitely was worth it though!). At least I have my old, dear friend sake to keep me company during my shifts.

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